

Got a problem? Want to find course mates?

Each year a Whatsapp group is formed for the incoming year group. This is a great way to ask questions and get in touch with your peers. At the time of writing this all the year groups in physics have their own group.

The 2023/2024 years groups are linked below:

Tips For Exams

Sometimes as a fresher you can find the format of exams confusing and have questions about the feedback they give you. Check out this document to see some tips. (it's currently a work in progress document but most of it is there)

Replay too slow? 

When lectures are recorded using Replay there's an option to allow you to change the speed of the playback. Sometimes they don't allow this and we know that can be unhelpful. But there is a simple fix. All you have to do is add "&?usehtml5=true" to the URL and the option should appear (don't copy the quotation marks).

General Formal Report Help

Formal reports are one of the central focuses of the Laboratory element of your degree here at Bristol and they are worth a considerable amount, but prior to University not many people have experience in this area and there are many ways to improve them that are not always remembered. Check out this document for some tips put together by Harry Birch (2017), a recent physics graduate.

Formal Report LaTeX Template

If you're using LaTeX then it can be useful to start from some template when creating your reports. Different templates vary what packaged are use and what example are given to adapt to your report. Here is a link to the third year MSci students template that they are given with some extra parts customised by students in their later years using the online overleaf application. Here's a link to the project files if you don't want to use overleaf.

What I Wish I Had Known…

Hear from the Chaos members who have just been through their 1st, 2nd and 3rd years as they share their tips and tricks for making the most of each year.

Got suggestions? Use the contact us form in the menu or speak to one of the committee members (email addresses on the committee page under about).